You can place your order through this website. The costs incurred by linking to this website shall be borne by you.
When placing an order, you need to fill in the required fields on the order.
If the connection to this website fails due to prolonged inactivity, your product selection may be lost. In this case, you will be required to re-enter your selections.
Before submitting your order, you will have an opportunity to review your selections, review the total order price, and correct any input errors. You agree that the information you provide in your order is true, accurate and not misleading in all respects. If there are any changes to such information, or if you discover that such information is untrue, incomplete or inaccurate at any time, you should notify our Customer Service Center immediately. If the information you provide is untrue, incomplete or inaccurate, resulting in our inability to provide corresponding services, you will be responsible for all resulting losses.
If you use our gift service, you should ensure that you have the legal authority to provide the gift recipient’s information (including the gift recipient’s name, phone number and address), and ensure that such information is true, accurate, and in all respects accurate. Misleading. Regarding your provision of such gift recipient information, you have obtained the consent of the relevant gift recipient. If the information you provide is untrue, incomplete or inaccurate, or you provide us with such information without the consent of the relevant gift recipient, resulting in our inability to provide corresponding services or resulting losses to us, you will be solely responsible for the consequences. All losses arising from this.
After you submit your order, we will charge you for the products, and the contract is formed after you pay the price. We will then promptly confirm your order by sending a confirmation email or SMS. Once shipped, we will notify you via text message or email.
If you have paid the price but it is out of stock or the price is inaccurate or has other misdescriptions, we will notify you as soon as possible and negotiate with you about this. If you cancel the order, we will refund all the money you paid for the product.